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Proofreading our website in Finnish

Tarjouspyyntö ilmoitettu: 20.3.2014 | Budjetti: Alle 500 € | Avainsanat: Kirjoitus ja käännöstyöt

Jätä tarjouspyyntö
Tämä on Nerot.fi -palveluun jätetty tarjouspyyntö. Jätä tarjouspyyntö omasta työstäsi. Välitämme sen ilmaiseksi 8554 kotimaiselle alan mainostoimistolle ja freelancerille.

Tarjouspyynnön kuvaus

Kotisivut kuvituskuva

Due to time restrictions we're looking for someone to proofread the text on our website and possibly provide feedback on whether the text is clear and concise and any suggestions on how to improve it.


The future:
We hope to build a proper working relationship with you. We have thought about finding someone who can also create/add to our social media posts, blog articles etc. We're not too bothered about your education but if you could send an example of your work in Finnish and another text example in English then that'd be great. We hope that you'll have some knowledge about websites, WordPress etc and are able to explain things in a way that even your Mummo could understand. We also hope that your Finnish writing skills, spelling, grammar etc are great. English doesn't have to be great but if you understand it and can write rough drafts then that'd be fine.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Ammattilainen, haluatko osallistua tähän tarjouspyyntöön?