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Character animation offer

Tarjouspyyntö ilmoitettu: 3.3.2014 | Budjetti: Ei tiedossa | Avainsanat: Suunnittelu ja multimedia

Jätä tarjouspyyntö
Tämä on Nerot.fi -palveluun jätetty tarjouspyyntö. Jätä tarjouspyyntö omasta työstäsi. Välitämme sen ilmaiseksi 8554 kotimaiselle alan mainostoimistolle ja freelancerille.

Tarjouspyynnön kuvaus

Kotisivut kuvituskuva

Mobile messaging company in Helsinki are looking for a character artist and/or animator to do a few (3-5) toon-like animated characters that will be used in a messaging application.

Features needed:
- These animated characters (named Talking stickers for now) will be used in a mobile and web messaging application and can be sent as 'stickers' to your friends.
- The size on a mobile screen would be about 200x200 pixels.
- The whole body of the character needs to be visible and animated (hands, legs, body, head).
- We need about 2 or 3 different body positions for a character (and there transitional frames). - - We don't need too many frames, just enough to make it move smoothly.
- For each body position we need about 5 different mouth positions (closed, opened slightly, open, opened wide, showing teeth, etc.) and some eye positions. This way we can make it say different things that we record later.
- The stickers can also be 2D renderings of 3D characters.

If this interest you, please let us know and we can go into more detail. Can you please also provide information on when you would be able to start and an estimate of the pricing.

Ammattilainen, haluatko osallistua tähän tarjouspyyntöön?